Kyle Miller: Rock Star

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Congratulations to Kyle Miller on being nominated Rock Star or Employee of the month. Kyle’s G&G career started in 2005 and has made a positive difference over the years.

Kyle’s dedication and efforts in what he does for G&G has definitely been noticed by his coworkers, hence this nomination. He always has a great attitude regardless of the task he is performing and here is a comment from one of Kyle’s nominations: “Always nice even when he is freezing his rear-end off.” Come rain, shine or snow, you can always count on Kyle to display the right character and do a good job.

In 2018, Kyle ably served  as a member of the G&G community’s activities organizing committee, also known as the Rock Star Committee. Kyle is also heavily involved in serving his local community, as a volunteer fireman and helps with various activities associated with the County Fair.

Congratulations again to Kyle on this well deserved recognition. The G&G community looks forward to Kyle’s greater contribution and success in the future.